This is a guest post by Julie Morris.
2020 | Time for New Resolutions!
The most popular 2017 New Year's Resolutions focused on getting healthy, according to the data collected by the digital marketing firm iQuanti. And the get-healthy goal is likely to finish at or near the top of the 2020 list as well. If you plan to pursue this perennially popular aspiration, here is some information, coupled with concrete ideas for your holiday wishlist, that will help you start strong and make good choices throughout the new year.
Resolution #1 | Make a Move!
Maintaining an exercise routine has a number of benefits that go far beyond controlling weight and improving appearance. For instance, regular physical activity can help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some cancers. It can also help improve your mood, reduce your risk of depression and keep your cognitive skills sharp as you get older.
And, while there’s no fountain of youth that can totally reverse the effects of aging or negative lifestyle choices, even reasonable amounts of moderately intense aerobic activity can lower your risk of early death. The CDC recommends adults who are able should aim to get at least 150 minutes of moderately intense exercise each week.
The best part of this resolution is that it’s easy to follow. While you don’t need flashy fitness gear, adding a set of new sneakers, an easy-to-use pedometer, or a warm-up suit to keep you comfortable during cool weather walks might be just what you need to get motivated and moving.
Resolution #2 | Make a Smoothie!
Likewise, eating well serves up a host of perks that have nothing to do with the number on the scale, although making healthy food choices is crucial to controlling weight. And, like sticking to a regular exercise routine, healthy eating habits can help you stave off heart disease and diabetes and improve brain function, according to LIVESTRONG.
And you don’t have to be a culinary genius to create healthy meals. For example, a basic blender designed specifically with smoothie and soup making in mind can help you whip up a wide variety of meals and snacks that are packed with vitamins, minerals and fantastic flavors. The best part: these kitchen gadgets are available at just about any price point, making them easy additions to your holiday wishlist. And if you enjoy being creative in the kitchen, you might request a membership in a food co-op that makes regular deliveries of fruits, vegetables and other goods based on what’s in season.

Resolution #3 | Make Time for Yourself!
Whether it’s enjoying a morning meditation session, a half hour each afternoon dedicated to reading a book for fun and enrichment, or 10 minutes before bed to record your thoughts and feelings in a journal, taking time to relax and rejuvenate is essential to good mental and physical health. So schedule those blocks as though you are your most important client.
If you have a hard time implementing that advice, add items to your wishlist that will encourage you to relax on the regular. For instance, there are several meditation apps available to help make you a more persistent practitioner. Similarly, subscription services allow you to download new books to your digital device in a matter of minutes. And, if you prefer a low-tech option, consider requesting a sophisticated journal to get your creative juices flowing.
Most importantly, keep in mind that no matter what you might receive from friends and family, the most-important gift you can give yourself is care and compassion. So carve out the time it takes to use these tools and build a lifestyle that prioritizes self-care and positive priorities year around.
Julie Morris is the life and career coach behind JulieMorris.org. She thrives on helping busy professionals get the clarity they need to live inspired lives that fill more than just their bank accounts. When Julie isn’t working with clients, she enjoys writing and is currently working on her first book. She also loves spending time outdoors and getting lost in a good book.
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