Masterpiece Skin Restoration is looking for experts in aesthetics & wellness to guest post and join our directory.
(At this time, only members of our directory are eligible to guest post. We've checked their credentials and found they're experts in their field
- and they're great at customer service too!)
Masterpiece Skin Restoration is dedicated to giving our readers the very best information on skincare, aesthetics, aging, and wellness. We are building a directory of like minded dermatologists, plastic surgeons, dentists, oral surgeons, aestheticians and wellness experts in Denver and all over the Western United States. Members of the directory are carefully vetted - they are trusted individuals and practices that focus on giving the very best results.
Masterpiece Skin Restoration is a forward-looking online resource. Here you can learn everything you need to know to restore your skin – and your spirit – and be the very best you!
THE REVIEWS | Guest Post & Join Our Directory
"That's awesome thank you so much Amy! You do an excellent job. Let me know if I can help any other time I'm ready : )"
- Dr. Marc Mani is a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California. He was named one of the country’s ten leading plastic surgeons by Forbes Magazine. Dr. Mani was responding to an email I sent telling him I'd quoted him in the post, Liquid Facelift vs. Surgical Facelift - Which Is Better?
"Hi Amy, thanks for the mention! You have a very interesting blog. Congrats! Let me know if you ever need any additional information in the future."
- Dr. Umang Mehta is a double board-certified, Beverly Hills-trained specialist in facial plastic and reconstructive with a practice in Atherton, California. Dr. Mehta was responding to an email I sent telling him I'd quoted him in the post, Botox vs. Baby Botox | What's the Difference?
- Dr. Rod J. Rohrich is a plastic surgeon in Dallas, Texas. He is also a Clinical Professor and Founding Chair for the University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dept of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Rohrich was responding to an email I sent telling him I'd quoted him in the post, Liquid Facelift vs. Surgical Facelift - Which Is Better?
If you are an expert in your field and have completed advanced training:
Masterpiece Skin Restoration is looking for experts (dermatologists, plastic surgeons, aestheticians, registered dieticians, health coaches, fitness / yoga experts, spa owners, and other people with advanced training) in their field. Articles about medical aesthetics, skincare, beauty, and wellness should be backed by research - and double blind studies are best. For example, there is science backing the fact that exercise slows aging. However, I haven't been able to find anything that says lavender essential oil is good for skin. In fact I've only found evidence to prove that more and more people are becoming allergic to it. Please don't send an article about a detox diet. Science says your liver does that.
To post as an expert on the Masterpiece Skin Restoration website, you must join our directory of experts. Please know that we verify that each one of our experts truly is an expert in his or her field.
What are the benefits of being a Masterpiece Skin Restoration Contributing Expert?
Articles you write will showcase your expertise to future patients. You'll be teaching them how to pick the best provider, service, or product. And all of your articles - and your listing in the directory - will link back to your own website.
Guidelines for Contributing Experts:
- Articles should be 2,000 words or less
- Write like you're talking to a friend. Don't write a report.
- Be relatable and personal. Use experiences in your practice. Tell a story first then get to the facts.
- Define any medical or profession specific terminology. You may use parenthesis to define a term the first time you use it.
- Use lists and bullets. Readers love them because they make key points obvious.
- No sales pitches allowed. Your article should feel educational and helpful. Any blatant advertising will be rejected.
Learn more about coming a member of our directory on our List Your Practice page.
Learn more about our directory on our Find the Best Doctor page.
Masterpiece Skin Restoration started as a medical spa. It was founded on the principle that each one of us is beautiful. Over time it has evolved into an online resource to help our valued readers find the very best of all things medical aesthetics, skincare, beauty, and wellness.
Our registered nurse provides all the information you need to make the best choices for your skin - in language that you can understand. She researches treatments that are backed by science and have proven results.
We'd love to have you guest post and join our directory! We hope you'll join us in delivering clear, credible information to our readers in Fort Collins, Denver, and the western United States!